I had a chance to go to another barbecue, at a meeting of the Mountains to Sound Greenway organization in Cle Elum. This one featured Glondo's sausages, which were extremely juicy and delicious. Excellent turnout of about 35 people, including a number from Vision Cle Elum.
Mountains to Sound turns out to be almost 20 years old, and they're getting ready for their 20th year by taking a look at the entire area between the Seattle waterfront and Ellensburg, collecting ideas and thoughts about what's important from people and groups all along the way. I had only read about the organization before, so I'm glad I went. They've been involved in bringing together individuals, businesses, farmers, timber companies, and many others to develop things ranging from open space and recreational trails to gravel pits and condos. Seems like a good group.
They're having a series of meetings about their Heritage Study project through the summer, all at the Ranger Station in Cle Elum, to meet people and collect information (click on the map to download a large version).
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