I have been waiting for an excuse to cut my ponytailed hair for over 30 years. I figure running for county commissioner is probably a good enough reason.
I originally started growing my hair long because my girlfriend in college liked long hair. That was a plenty good enough reason, but the fact that I come from a family of 6 boys and 1 girl, and my dad cut everyone's but the girl's hair, helped make it easy. I had never been to a barbershop. The hair was never really any kind of a political statement, it just became a habit that it was time to break.
Of course, I couldn't just slink out and get my hair cut and show up somewhere with short hair.
So I had my hair cut in Downtown Ellensburg, sitting next to the famously un-trimmed Ellensburg Bull. Channel 2 and the Daily Record were kind enough to send reporters, and local hair stylist Robyn Hull officiated (you can also find her by searching FaceBook for "Hair by Robyn"). My original plan had been to send the hair to Locks of Love (here's their faq), but they prefer hair without so much grey, so I'll just send them a donation -- Robyn also donated her fee, which was very nice of her.
I liked the new look and feel from the start. Robyn did a great job!
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