Commissioner O'Brien sent me an e-mail offering to reply to my letter (see previous post), and I accepted. Here is his response, with a few comments.
I was writing to ask the County to go to bat for the town of Vantage, and the response is that the county will not.1 The attitude reflected here is likely to be an important campaign theme, because it illustrates the large difference between Obie's management style and mine. His lack of creativity and unwillingness to make waves on behalf of county business is one of the reasons I'm running.
Hello again Steve,
I was writing to ask the County to go to bat for the town of Vantage, and the response is that the county will not.1 The attitude reflected here is likely to be an important campaign theme, because it illustrates the large difference between Obie's management style and mine. His lack of creativity and unwillingness to make waves on behalf of county business is one of the reasons I'm running.
Hello again Steve,
The BOCC has been
receiving updates and all the press releases put out by the PUD. We
received a presentation from them a week and a half ago including an
update on the recreational impacts of the drawdown. At
this point the planned date to restore some of the level in the Wanapum
Pool which is the area that affects vantage is somewhere around
October. Until all the repairs are done to all the monoliths in the
spillway the Federal Energy Regulating Council (FERC),
and I may have the name wrong, will not authorize refilling the pool or
full power operation of the dam.2
As to the impacts to
the Vantage area community the Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce has
been directly acting at our direction to assist in any way. Contacts
have been ongoing and many offers I am told have
not been accepted. The chamber tells me that the gem shop has had the
best summer ever. The county as a public agency cannot directly
subsidize businesses or individuals there because of prohibitions of
gifting public funds to individuals. Only by contract
can we help. I have had conversations with a Grant County commissioner
while at other meetings like the WSAC conference. The burden is on the
Grant County PUD to respond to effects of the problems created by the
damaged dam.
The Hotel – Motel
(Lodging) tax fund was set up with specific guidelines that dictate that
monies spent have to be used in advertising and promotion that
encourages tourism and new additional stays in commercial
lodging. Often this is referred to as Heads in Beds. Applications come
from proponents of new activities or events. Vantage has no such
applications before the review committee that I am aware of at this
time. They would have to propose an activity or new
vision that would meet the criteria set out according to RCW 67.28.180 and RCW
The river and the
shorelines are still dangerous and cannot be entered by citizens. Many
resources have been spent by the PUD to ensure safety of the public and
preservation of the possible cultural elements and
sites along the riverbank. We have been told that even though the bank
areas look dry and stable they are not safe. In fact some areas are more
like a mix of quicksand and sludge than a beach front. In the past the
culturally sensitive areas have been hidden
by higher waters but now would be a temptation for citizens to explore
and possibly violate the requirements of the First Peoples. The Yakama
Tribe and Confederated Nations has specifically requested that law
enforcement be employed to protect the heritage
and history along the river.4 All cost for increased patrols are being
born by the PUD and are using nonscheduled overtime of any officer
wishing to accept the work. The continuing law enforcement activities of
the Sheriff’s office are not diminished or adversely
affecting Kittitas County’s needs.
Your desire of making
the people of the affected areas whole after the repairs have been
completed is a legal matter between the PUD and those affected. Since
the PUD is already paying for additional services the
county has no specific loss.5
On a positive note,
with the shorelines dry from the drawdown the contracts to renew and
update the boat launches on the river is proceeding with no
environmental damage because the work can be accomplished in
the dry instead of work being done in the water. The parking area at
the Vantage public launch is also being renewed and will be in perfect
shape when the water levels return.
If you have more
specific questions or suggestions I would be happy to hear them. Please
feel free to stay in contact with me or you can forward any contacts
with citizens who have concerns to me or the other commissioners.
I am responding to this message on my own and not in concert with any other commissioner.
Obie O’Brien
1A Daily Record article today notes that the population of Vantage is about 81 people. Clearly, I'm not doing this for the votes, but perhaps it does explain the County's lackadaisical response.
2Nothing in this paragraph indicates any sort of active involvement on the part of the County, and it contains no new information beyond Grant PUD talking points.
3Neither of these sections is relevant. The correct section is RCW 67.28.1816.
4It is easy to think of ways to solve these problems. An obvious one is to open the river around Vantage, with boundaries up- and downriver that keep people away from culturally sensitive sites; enforcement would be paid by Grant PUD just as it is now. This is not a solution that Grant PUD would choose without pressure from Kittitas County.
5The county is losing sales and lodging, and, to a lesser extent, fuel tax funds. The amounts of these losses can probably be fairly accurately estimated. It is certainly obvious where those funds are going: to Grant County (via Mardon at the Potholes Reservoir, and Beverly/Schwana below Wanapum Dam) if the County wanted to act, it could find a reason to do so.
Hi Steve, I read Obie's response to you and I get the impression that Vantage doesn't count. Of course, I'm sitting here with a headache that won't go away. What am I missing? Although it's been a while, I have been to Vantage. It seems to me that Vantage is a good location for touristy type activities. I would think that the county commission would be bending over backwards to help Vantage ensure paperwork, applications, or whatnot is all in place.